Dec 19, 2014
Flying solo today, Ben talks about his take on Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition having been running it for a few months now.
Dec 12, 2014
Genius game designer John Wick posits that if a role-playing game is any game where you can successfully play the game without role-playing is in fact a board game, in which case, D&D is a very complicated board game and NOT a rpg.
Check it out!
Dec 6, 2014
Ben noticed at Gen Con that there are a lot of re-issues and new editions of 20 and 30 year old products. Is gaming getting stale?
Nov 21, 2014
The gang talks about character death, its role at the table, and whether the story ends when the pulse does.
Nov 14, 2014
Get a sneakpeak at one of the most fascinating products we've
ever reviewed here at Plot Points, The Dracula
Dossier by Ken Hite and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan. The
sandbox campaign which uses Bram Stoker's immortal (heh) novel as
its spine is Kickstarting now!
Listen here for a sneak peak that the goodness in store!