Sep 21, 2015
Check out Pelgrane's Advanced
GUMSHOE Seminar from GenCon 2015!
Hear the lights of the investigative
rpg world hold forth on difficult questions. You heard the
highlights on Ken & Robin. Here the comeplete saga here!
Also, would YOU like a FREE physical
copy of Ben's novel shipped to your home?
Here's what you do. Go to and create a very simple profile. Just for doing this, the website gives you $5 in credits. Then, go to any novel, or if you're feeling particularly supportive, my novel. Go to the text of the novel and click on the chapter title. This takes you to a page where you can highlight and comment For commenting, you get another $5 credit, bringing your total to $10, which is the exact amount it costs to back my book! Then follow this link and back my book! Voila! Free book sent to you! But only if I win the contest by being in the top 5 by September 30th.
I understanding not having ten bucks. But do you have ten minutes to do a bro a favor?
Lemme sweeten the pot
First, I'm launching another contest! Back the book by the 30th,
and I will enter your name in a drawing to win an rpg session run
by me via Skype or Gchat!
Second, help me be in the top 5 by September 30th, and Chris and I will make an abridged audiobook of the novel!
Third, help me win and I won't
talk about this anymore!
Thanks in advance!