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Plot Points

Plot Points has been discussing role-playing games as literature since 2013. The podcast takes a deep dive on the influences, origins, joys, and meaning of tabletop role-playing games. The Plot Points gang talks about new releases, old gems, and speaks with the most influential and exciting creators in the tabletop role-playing game space. 

Find a cool new game, discover a strategy for your home group, or learn a fresh take on the theory of role-playing.

Mar 24, 2018

It broke the internet when Paizo announced a 2nd edition of the beloved behemoth that is the Pathfinder role-playing game, and your friends at Plot Points were interested too! So they went down to scenic and historic Lake Geneva to record what turned out to be an entire seminar by Paizo pundits Jason Buhlman and Stephen Radney-Macfarland on what we can expect in a second edition!  

New to Plot Points? Check out some of our earlier discussions of Pathfinder's We Be Goblins! in a two part episode with part 1 here and part 2 here! We also covered The Phantom Phenomenon in another two part episode with part 1 here and part 2 here.

Thanks listeners for the success of our Patreon! We reached our goal of $75 per episode, and we'll put together an actual play episode of us playing Star Trek Adventures which we talked about in Ep. 96. 

Find us at or @PlotPointsPod on Twitter!

Thanks to 50 Breaks for the use of their music.

Image courtesy Paizo Publishing.