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Plot Points

Plot Points has been discussing role-playing games as literature since 2013. The podcast takes a deep dive on the influences, origins, joys, and meaning of tabletop role-playing games. The Plot Points gang talks about new releases, old gems, and speaks with the most influential and exciting creators in the tabletop role-playing game space. 

Find a cool new game, discover a strategy for your home group, or learn a fresh take on the theory of role-playing.

Mar 14, 2014

We try out something new today with a free-wheeling and fast-moving discussion of the idea of the geek card in the nerd subculture and see what Sara has to say about being a gamer and a woman. Also, Producer Chris escapes his cage to weigh in on matters. Let us know what you think of the format at one of the following locations:

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Our next episode should drop on April 4th, when we will discuss the adventure from Last Unicorn Games' Star Trek: The Next Generation Role-Playing Game. See you then!