Nov 21, 2014
The gang talks about character death, its role at the table, and whether the story ends when the pulse does.
Nov 14, 2014
Get a sneakpeak at one of the most fascinating products we've
ever reviewed here at Plot Points, The Dracula
Dossier by Ken Hite and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan. The
sandbox campaign which uses Bram Stoker's immortal (heh) novel as
its spine is Kickstarting now!
Listen here for a sneak peak that the goodness in store!
Nov 7, 2014
The gang tackles Bulldogs! for Fate, a sci-fi setting with adventure by Brennan Taylor and Brian Engard!
Next week come back to listen to Plot Points discuss the
Dracula Dossier, kickstarting now from Pelgrane Press!
Music by!