Feb 27, 2015
The gang tackles their first sequel at the Midwinter Gaming
Convention in beautiful downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Laugh, cry
and thrill to our trenchant observations!
Thanks to Chris Koterba for recording and producing, as always!
Feb 20, 2015
The gang, with special guest Ryan Smith, wades in on
an article which claims that Cards Against
Humanity is so offensive you should not play it. We have some
heated thoughts on this, to say the least!
Enjoy! Like us on facebook, give us a review on iTunes, or email us
Feb 13, 2015
The gang completes their discussion of The Jewel of Yavin by Dave Allen, Shawn Carman, Daniel Lovat Clark, and Jordan Goldfarb, developed by Katrina Ostrander.
If you're a new listener, welcome to the fold! It's warm here on Plot Points, and we give free hugs. In return, if you would be so kind as to give us a review...
Feb 6, 2015
The gang devles deeply into the bowels of Cloud City in this multi-part episode with Ben Riggs, Sara Babe, and Brad Davies on Fantasy Flight Games' new take on the Star Wars RPG franchise. Jewel of Yavin is by Dave Allen, Shawn Carman, Daniel Lovat Clark, and Jordan Goldfarb and developed by Katrina Ostrander.
Give us...