Dec 19, 2019
In August of 1996, TSR employees rushed from the exhibit hall at Gen Con to the federal courthouse in downtown Milwaukee to sue Wizards of the Coast and Acclaim Entertainment, filing the lawsuit before the convention was even over. Why? About what? And what is its significance today? Ben Riggs has your answers!
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In January, an episode of Appendix N University will cover Three Hearts and Three Lions by Poul Anderson if you want to read it for the episode.
Ben’s book on RPG adventure design, Encounter Theory, is on DriveThruRPG. Click here to pick up this essential volume!
Like Plot Points? Support it on Patreon at the $2 level, and you’ll get a sneak peek into Ben’s book about the sale of TSR to Wizards of the Coast! This chapter concerns TSR West, an effort by TSR to open an LA office devoted to producing comic books, an effort that failed rather impressively. It is the product of a dozen interviews with professionals from comics, gaming, and Hollywood, and as far as I can reckon, it is a tale entirely untold until now.
Image courtesy Wizards of the Coast.