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Plot Points

Plot Points has been discussing role-playing games as literature since 2013. The podcast takes a deep dive on the influences, origins, joys, and meaning of tabletop role-playing games. The Plot Points gang talks about new releases, old gems, and speaks with the most influential and exciting creators in the tabletop role-playing game space. 

Find a cool new game, discover a strategy for your home group, or learn a fresh take on the theory of role-playing.

Apr 16, 2020

Imagine a world where teachers used RPGs as teaching tools. That is the world the Teacher-Gamer Handbook aims to bring about. Zachary Reznichek is a master teacher who has been using RPGs to teach writing, math, and other skills to students. He has taken his decades of accumulated wisdom and put it into the Teacher-Gamer Handbook, a volume which teachers (or parents) can use to teach their children through the magic of RPGs. Click here to back the book, and hurry! It hasn't funded, and it only has eight days to do so!

Image courtesy Zachary Reznichek.